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The Oregon Stamp Society Click Below for Scheculed Events Calendar Oregon Stamp Society General Membership Meeting, Oregon Stamp Society General Membership Meeting
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Calendar of OSS Events | Clubhouse location and phone# | Driving Directions in Portland |
![]() ABOUT OUR CLUB We are located at: 4828 NE 33rd Avenue (about 4 blocks south of Killingsworth) (east side of 33rd Avenue) Tri-Met Line #70 (North) Stops at our Building! Visitors are always welcomeRegular meetings are held in the Oregon Stamp Society (OSS) clubhouse at 2 PM on the second Tuesday and 8 PM on the fourth Tuesday of each month unless otherwise stated in the monthly calendar. The Rose City Stamp Fair is an official OSS bourse and is held at the clubhouse on the second Saturday of each month from 9 AM to 3 PM. The Stamp Collectors Corner is an official OSS bourse and is held at the clubhouse on the fourth Saturday of each month, from 9 AM to 3 PM. The Northwest Philatelic Library (www.nwpl.org), a charitable non-profit corporation, is open before meetings and during bourses. Check the calendar for open times. Join the Oregon Stamp SocietyClick below for membership formsThe Album Pageis the monthly newsletter of the Oregon Stamp Society. Click here for current and back issues Future Programs at
OSS General Membership Meetings: Weather Permitting: Hint: Volunteers For Future Programs Needed Next O.S.S. Board Meeting is tentatively scheduled for: Saturday, Mar 8th, 2025 3:00pm At the O.S.S. Clubhouse The last Oregon Stamp Society Foundation Meeting was held at the clubhouse on March XX, 2024. The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for: Tuesday, June XX, 2024. Clubhouse opens at usual time. See Current Album Page for details. All events subject to last minute changes
Watch Here For Future Events in Portland:Oregon Stamp Society Rose City Stamp Fair 2nd Saturday 9 AM - 3 PM - Every Month. Collector's Corner 4th Saturday 9 AM - 3 PM - Every Month Both Stamp Shows are at the OSS Clubhouse (503) 284 - 6770 Recent ArticlesHarriet Quimby My First Stamp We have some excellent articles for helping you plan an exhibit:
![]() WHAT ARE MY STAMPS WORTH? Perhaps the most frequently asked question in Philately (Stamp/Cover Collecting)To have your stamp and cover collection evaluated, please arrange an appointment by sending a email to: email: ephummel@easystreet.net Currently we only look at collections on Fridays. Other dates might be arranged - but we are a volunteer based organization There is no charge. We are at 4828 NE 33rd Ave - about 6 blocks south of Killingsworth. Our building is old Fire Station #34. It is a distinctive brick building with 5 white columns in front. A tall white Flag Pole marks the entrance to our parking lot at the south side of the building. SEE Some Basic Points below
Some Basic Points Does The Oregon Stamp Society buy stamp collections? At this time we are only buying United States stamps which are unused - in the same condition as purchased from the post office - with full gum on the reverse (stamps before 2000) or self adhesive stamps since 2000 which are on the original USPS paper. We are now paying 35% of the face value of the stamps. Damaged stamps, stamps stuck together, stamps stuck down on paper or stamps without gum on the reverse are of no interest to us. At the time OSS evaluates a collection - if it has at least a minimal resale value - we may offer to purchase it at a wholesale value. Common beginner / casual collections have very little resale value. From past experience, only about 1 collection in 10 has a value of more than $100. Stamp Collecting - Hobby or Investment? Historically (prior to 1940), stamp collecting (unused stamps and used stamps on envelopes or removed from envelopes), was a form of intellectual endeavor or entertainment. It evolved into educational and bonding experiences between children, parents and grandparents - learning about history, geography, people, etc. In general - inflation adjusted stamp prices probably peaked by the mid 1980s. Stamp collecting is not a growth industry. Stamp values are strictly a matter of Supply and Demand. At this time stamp collecting is a buyers market. Wholesale and retail prices are "soft" for most stamps and stamp collections. Only the scarcest stamps of Top Quality and in the Best Condition, command high prices. Stamps of exceptional high value are: (1) Very Rare, Stamp Collecting - Many Shapes and Sizes There are many categories and sub-specialties that make up stamp collecting. The main categories are "stamps" and "covers". Sub-specialties of "stamps" include: unused (singles, plate blocks, sheets), used off-paper (stamps which have been removed from envelopes) and used on piece (corners torn from envelopes with the stamps attached - generally this “Kiloware” - sells by the pound). "Cover" specialties include: postal history, military mail (naval covers, censored war time mail, etc.), First Day Covers and special event commemorative covers like First Flights, Post Office Dedications, etc. Some people also include picture post cards - especially those between 1905 and 1920. There are many more specialties than those listed here - most of which non-collectors probably have never heard of. Some of these, though very popular in the past, no longer have a following. One general rule - used stamps still attached to the envelope are more valuable than those stamps which have been soaked from a cover. When in doubt, leave stamps on envelopes until you can have a knowledgeable person look at them. Some Options If you have no interest in continuing a stamp collection, some options may include: 1. A collection with substantial cash value ($1000+) may be sold at auction. 2. A collection with some cash value may be sold in whole or in part to a stamp dealer, stamp collector or the Oregon Stamp Society. 3. A collection with minimal value may be donated to an IRS 501(c)(3) charity generating a tax deduction, IF you are able to itemize deductions. Generally very, very few people can itemize on their Federal Return. A few people still itemize on their State Return - but the state tax rate is comparatively low. The benefit is generally 10% or less of the claimed value. A collection, even a minimal value collection, can usually be sold for more than its Tax Deduction benefit. 4. Donation regardless of a tax benefit - putting the collection or a portion of it into the hands of people who would use and appreciate the items (the Oregon Stamp Society Foundation). Or donation to your favorite Charity - many of which have fund raising drives or auctioins. First Step Have the collection evaluated. You may try to use the internet - but unless you know exactly what you own, you will probably find this to be frustrating and very misleading.
Affiliated Philatelic OrganizationsOregon Stamp Society Foundation (OSSF)The OSSF is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Foundation can accept donations which may be tax-deductible for you, including cash, philatelic materials, or other properties. Our goal is to promote philatelic activities primarily through support to the Oregon Stamp Society.For your convenience - if you have the OSS evaluate your collection, they can process the collection as a donation to the OSSF without further time or expense to you. To obtain additional information on how to make your donations and receive a tax benefit please contact: David Epps (depps55@gmail.com) |
![]() ABOUT OUR CLUBHOUSE Old Portland Fire Station #34The Oregon Stamp Society (OSS) purchased the building from the City of Portland in 1960. It is our permanent home and we are very proud of it. Over the years it has grown to be a center for Stamp Collectors and a Community Resource for a number of other non-profit organizations: Oregon Stamp Society Foundation Northwest Philatelic Library Corvair Society of America - Corsa Oregon Chapter Studebaker Drivers Club - NW Chapter The Portland Society of Magicians All Ireland Culture Society Oregon Historical Model Society Sojourn Church PDX We are located in a residental neighborhood and any use of the premises must be in keeping with being a good neighbor. No parties. No alcoholic beverege consumption. Basic rates are: $125 per day for one-time rentals;
If you would like to discuss Property Manager: Ula Mae Neligh 503-284-4294 Synopsis Of Our Most Recent Program
How To Soak Recently Issued U.S. Stamps Postage stamps used to be easy to soak off paper. Just soak in warm water, dry and press. Recently issued stamps may not be so easy. Here is a method to try. 1. Purchase a spray can of "Pure Citrus" from Safeway. About $5.00 2. Lay stamp with paper face down. 3. Spray stamp with "Pure Citrus" . Get good and saturated. 4. Allow to soak for about 15 minutes. Stamp should come right off. 5. Scrape back of stamp carefully with a knife, or metal straight edge to remove remaining glue. Courtesy of Woody Rathbun Note: This procedure was also published in the American Philatelist the official journal of the American Philatelic Society.